2024 DOQ Quilt Show Entry Form

Fill out one entry form per quilt

This form and photograph must be received by August 19, 2024

DOQ member may submit up to 6 quilts to be considered for the show, but only 3 maximum can be judged.  
Non-members may enter up to 2 quilts in the show, but only 1 can be judged.  If 2 quilts are entered, they cannot be in the same category.

Contact Information

Quilt Information

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Make sure the photo is available on the device you are using to complete this form. It should be less than 1 Mb and the file name should not contain any spaces. Click inside the above box to pick the photo from your computer or phone.
This is a category for new quilters. You may enter this category if you have been quilting for less than 2 years OR this is the first show you have ever entered.
Please be patient after submitting this form, as it may take a moment to upload the photo.
If the form will not submit, try reducing the size of the picture, or remove the picture from the form and email it separately to stamp1957@live.com with your name and the quilt name.
If the form stalls at "Sending" and you do not get a confirmation screen, the submission was not successful!