Looking for Friends to Quilt With
There are several quilting bees that meet regularly.
Bahama Bees
Focus: Fostering community. Mostly quilters right now.
Where: Durham County Library – North Regional; 221 Milton Rd, Durham
When: 1st Monday 1pm– 4pm, alternate day on holidays (see library calendar)
Contact: Jennifer Parsons 919-724-8396 jenniferparsons62186@gmail.com
Chapel Hill
Seymour Seamers Bee
Focus: Donation quilts
Where: Seymour Senior Center, 2551 Homestead Rd., Chapel Hill
When: Monday 10am – 12pm
Contact: Susan Ziesel 919-932-9080 susanzeisel@gmail.com
or Shirley Ahmed 718-366-3805
— Reach out before attending (at least first time) —
Focus: Quilts for veterans
Where: St. Thomas More Catholic Church (Friends and Family Hall), 940 Carmichael St, Chapel Hill
When: 4th Tuesday 10am – 1pm
Contact: Anneke Jakes jakesanneke02@gmail.com or starsofhope.nc@gmail.com
Web: https://stmchapelhill.org/stars-of-hope-quilters
— Best to reach out before attending —
Scrap Bee
Focus: Donation/scraps – bring whatever project you’d like to work on, doesn’t need to be scraps
Where: United Church of Chapel Hill, 1321 MLK Jr. Blvd, Chapel Hill
When: 2nd Saturday of the month; 10am – 2pm; Bring a brown bag lunch
Contact: Jennie Baas or Judy Corley-Lay (see DOQ directory)
Sew Fun in Parkwood
Focus: Bring whatever you are working on; most people bring handwork, but can bring sewing machine; Come enjoy conversation in this growing group
Where: Parkwood HOA Office, 1471 Seaton Road, Durham
When: Thursday 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Contact: Diane Wold diane.e.wold@gmail.com
Finish it Friday
Focus: Community, all crafts welcome, quilters, knitters, painters, etc.
Where: Hillsborough Pres. Church (Fellowship Hall), 102 W Tryon St, Hillsborough
When: 3rd Friday 6:00 – 11:00 pm.
Contact: Ann Sebesan 919-452-6470
Passmore Piece Makers
Focus: Anyone welcome; lots of fabric available
Where: Passmore Senior Center, 103 Meadowlands Dr, Hillsborough
When: Tuesdays 10:00 am – 12:00 pm